Category Archives: script

Here and Now

     Exercise of the day: Squatting down, lifting heavy boxes, and speed walking at work. That counts!

     I have nothing to enthrall you with for today. My camera was kidnapped by my roommate for the day, and nothing out of the ordinary happened except for a lovely visit from my mum who took me to a wonderful lunch at Lazy Dog Cafe. Thanks, mom!!! I had half of the chicken walnut salad sandwich and a cup of the tortilla soup.

     This is my here. This is my now.

Paul Newman’s Cabernet Sauvignon and a script.
Side note: Paul Newman is one of my all-time favorite actors. And those EYES!!!
     Tomorrey begins day one of eight on set of the short film I’m starring in. I’ll be leaving the house at 5:30am tomorrow morning with a large mug of coffee and a Monster on hand! Right now I’m running laundry, charging cell phones and cameras, and packing up my car for the long haul. The next time I’ll be home will be Monday night (if I’m lucky), but I’ll have all my blogging materials with me to do some quick posts, if nothing else.
     I’ll also be tweeting from set! Follow me here!
Happy weekend!


Filed under Lazy Dog Cafe, Paul Newman, red wine, script, short film