Category Archives: giving up dairy

OBESE Tuesday!

     Today marks Fat Tuesday, aka “Mardi Gras” aka “eat-everything-you-can-fit-into-your-body-until-you-burst”, aka “New-Years-Eve”. Personally, I like to call it “OBESE Tuesday”.

I make it count!

     Call it whatever you want – to me it means the last day of imbibing in rich foods that I am about to give up for Lent as a small sacrifice for Jesus and the suffering He endured, resulting in His death and following resurrection, in order to give me eternal life with God. 

Guys, this is serious. I’m giving up…
Please note, I did not say caffeine. Green teas and black teas and “please-Lord-force-my-eyes-open-this-morning” teas are all open-season!
I know you’ve heard this before, but since Lent is a little more important to me than the superficial quality of my skin, this will last.
Remembrance of His suffering, PLUS clear skin.
Blessed on all counts.

     In order to really appreciate what I’m about to give up, I overdosed on all the above.

Of course that had to include Indian buffet…
Including a dairy-stuffed mango lassi!
     The day was spent shopping. If you know me, this is something I NEVER do! I went on a frikkin’ SPREE today! My last paycheck was incinerated by my credit card. I now have jeans that don’t have holes in the rear, and aren’t shredding at the pockets! I also got some incredible sunglasses – they’re ridiculously lame and adorable and reminiscent of six-year-old Becki (aka Becky-boo).
The “Dos Beckis” is reminiscent of current-day Becki, not six-year-old Becky-boo.
I also consumed my weight in Sour Cream Chicken Enchiladas – recipe coming tomorrow, in case you’ve give up dairy and want to cry whilst looking at beautiful, milky (ewww) pictures.
     Guess what! I have a question (or twenty) that I’m hoping you can help me with. I’m prepping to start my own website and need advice from all ends. 
1. I have no smarts when it comes to technology. Which web host should I choose? I’ve been recommended WebHostingHub and told that it’s great for people who are technologically challenged.
2. Once I get a host, I have no idea what to do. I don’t know HTML, XML or any of the in-between. All I really want as of now is a blog that’s not run under Blogger or WordPress. Any recommended templates I should check out? Or anyone willing to design one for credit?  
3. I don’t know what else to ask about this – that’s how little I know about the process.


Filed under coffee, dairy, Dos Beckis, Fat Tuesday, giving up dairy, help me, indian buffet, Jesus, Lent, mango lassi, Mardi Gras, NEW WEBSITE, shopping spree, sour cream chicken enchiladas