Tag Archives: trim the tree

Trimming the Tree

I think the Christmas Kettle Corn did the trick! I really am starting to feel the Christmas spirit!
am8I finished that entire batch all by myself over the course of an hour after I made it. It’s really addictive – be forewarned.
amI finally finished ALL of my Christmas shopping! I celebrated with a taster flight from the newest brewery in Loveland: Crow Hop.
am2Exposed brick, warm lighting and heaters blasting. We then traipsed across the parking lot to Henry’s Pub for mass quantities of mango Sriracha wings, fish ‘n chips and even more brews.
henryLittle Red Cap ala Grimm Brothers Brewhouse!
firestoneI also celebrated by buying myself some Christmas presents… Debating whether to drink this or age it for a year… Thoughts?
eclipseAnother gift to myself. I’m very generous. This one will be aging while we enjoy the other three that I cellared over a year ago!
am11Today was “decorate the tree” day! We normally don’t wait so long, but with all of our busy schedules, it was the first chance we had.
am10Silk Seasonal Nog and coffee to start off on the right foot!
am5We have quite a collection of ornaments that we’ve accumulated throughout the years. This is one I got for my parental unit two years ago when I was in Breckenridge with the artist.
am9My first Christmas ornament! Man, I’m old.
am12“Mom, look! This was eleven years ago!” No…. make that 21 years ago. Man, I’m old.
am14I had a lot of teachers who encouraged homemade ornaments. I give you – gingerbread house by Becki Kregoski, age 6.
am16The year we learned about fossils and the imprints they leave in rocks.
am17Indian Princesses corn husk doll from when I lived in Boulder during elementary school.
am15My teacher made this one (as what I assume was an apology for all of the ugly crap with which her students were adorning their parentals’ trees) in 1996.
am18“Squeeze my cheeks and I’ll give you a kiss” Santa. My mumsie and I used to make these when we lived in Illinois. You’d squeeze the sides, Santa’s mouth would open and a Hershey’s Kiss would be sitting inside!
am13This was gifted to me right after high school when my dreams of becoming an actor were in full blossom.
am7Those dreams gave way to a different dream/career after college.
am6A very, very different career.
am8My parental unit knows me so well!

Now I’m off to bake Busia’s Yuletide Cookies – aka Thumbprint cookies, before a loooooong day at the brewery. And, it’s snowing outside! Tis the season!

Do you have any holiday traditions that you just can’t skip?

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