A few days ago, I was lucky enough to be featured on TheChive and my little blog exploded with wonderful comments about beer and awesomeness. This is me saying thanks.
Thanks for your interest in craft beer. It means the world to me and all the little breweries out there.
I’m just a girl who likes to appreciate the qualities of fine craft beer.
And eat. Oh man, do I love to eat!
And then appreciate some more craft beer. I’m completely enraptured by the history of beer, brewing process and the scientific conundrums of enzymes converting starches into fermentable sugars that I don’t quite fully understand yet, but appreciate oh so very much.
I’m also enraptured by melt-in-your-mouth bacon.
I put it in everything. Gentlemen and my kindred-spirit ladies, I give you Oatmeal Stout Brownies with Caramelized Bacon. You can thank me later.
You can also put it on a nice juicy medium-rare grass-fed burger that’s been smothered in cheese. I won’t judge you, I promise. In fact, I’ll probably think even more highly of you than I already do!
Just be sure to enjoy it with either a rich, smooth chocolate malt stout that’s been delicately dusted with freshly ground coffee…
Or a homebrew. Either of those work for me.
Thanks to Allie for her awesome photography skills!
And don’t forget to CHIVE ON!
OH! And come back later for a tour of the Breckenridge Brewery – I’m on the road to visit it right now!
Filed under The Chive, Uncategorized
You should check out http://www.michiganbeerblog.net
They concentrate on Michigan beers but their recipes are awesome.
Chive on! Sometimes when sites do that, you just get a lot of dumb-butts who just troll your site…but with the Chive, you get a dedicated following of the most kind hearted and genuinely interested Chivers. I know for me, not only am I following your blog, but the wife and I agreed that we love your blog and are going to use it to find new foods and beers. Return to married dating, here we come!
Cheers and Chive on!
I. Love. This.
A new friend turned me onto the Chiveon, I’m now very thirsty and hungry. Thanks for posting, Chiveon!
Chive On! welcome back to the big stage, Becki. Love the photos!!!
Great photos Becky! Nothing better than a good lookin lady who LOVES beer!
Chive on!
Cool blog. I would love for you to check out my friend’s brewery here in Oklahoma City – COOP Ale Works. Great beer… Very cool guys.
Chive on!
Chive On! And give Bel Haven Scottish Ale a try if you ever get the chance. Not a micro-brew but good stuff nonetheless.
Enjoy Breck, it’s a great spot for the 4th (well, the Dillon firework show at least). I was up there last weekend enjoying some brews!
Chive On! Thanks for the great recipes and ideas, if you already haven’t and ever get a chance to, there is an AMAZING home brewery here in Central PA called TROEGS, they are definetly worth checking out
I’ll second Troeg’s. Very good stuff. Not to mention you can get Yuengling in PA, as well, though it’s a mid-size brewery.
Nugget Nectar for the win!
found your blog on the Chive… i’m staying here forever, great work
I am also here per ze chive. I’ll be back reading for a while as I too am a beer lover and if it’s chive worthy, then there’s a high chance it is well worth checking out. Congrats on getting featured.
Chive On from Merry Olde England, more microbreweries than you can shake a piece of bacon at, like your site, love that you are a Chivette.
your blog is the best. you pretty much stand for everything awesome in this world.
chive on, from socal!
Chide on.
I assume you saw the documentary “How Beer Saved the World” on Discovery back in January then? http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/how-beer-saved-the-world/
Haven’t seen it yet! I’ll check it out when I’m home and actually have time on my hands
Thanks for the link!
Chive on from a fellow homebrewer!
Homebrewers represent!!!
Hi Becki, love your blog!
I’m a genuine English pub landlord with a profound love of real ale.
I have virtually no knowledge however of American beers so your site is a real eye opener!
Keep up the good work,
God bless the Chive for turning me on to this awesomeness. I too am a beer-o-phile and am fascinated with the inner-workings of the “little man” breweries and how much pride and love they put into their product.
Thank you for highlighting these saviors of the hops and for sharing your passion. I now have one more thing to keep me from working during the day.
Drinkin em up in TN… Happy 4th—–‘MERICA!
Amazing blog, I love it! It’s great to see more women loving beer. (My wife is the only other one I know) It might have something to do with the lack of good craft brews in Northwestern Ontario.
I’m going to be in California in October, I would be amazing if you could suggest some local craft brews to try that I couldn’t get in Canada. (I’ll be driving from L.A to S.F on the PCW…just for location ideas.
Pacific Coastal Highway even.
p.s. I was at the Flying Monkeys Brewery about a month a ago
In LA, check out Eagle Rock Brewery. In Agoura Hills – Ladyface. In Carpinteria – Island Brewing Co. I haven’t been to Telegraph or Hollister in Santa Barbara, but if you do stop in there, let me know how they are! If you want something different up in Sunnyvale – Rabbit’s Foot Meadery. Again, not sure about Santa Barbara, but all of the ones I named are guaranteed AWESOME!
Chive on Becki ! from a home brewer in New Zealand
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