A quick warning to everyone: Do not attempt to recreate or consume the meals I had today! Today was definitely not a “balanced” food day :-/.
Monthly Archives: June 2010
Food On-the-Go!
Filed under Acting, Class, Hefeweizen, Los Angeles, marine layer, Mission Street, omelette
Sick Days
I actually spent the entire night working: can you believe it? I found a way to sit down the entire time: organizing all of the cabinets that hadn’t been touched or dusted in years, and recycling a bunch of old papers that were out of date. The night actually flew by! Who would’ve guessed that working would make the time go by faster?
I got home and had a gigantic cup of Vanilla Sleepytime tea (I used to live directly across the street from Celestial Seasonings in Colorado, so I’m partial to their teas) as well as another plate of Chicken Divan – heavy on the broccoli. After putting the leftovers back in the fridge, I noticed that we were… OUT OF SPINACH!! Oh NO!!!
I guess tomorrow will be excessive amounts of coffee, and I may swing by Trader Joe’s to pick up a prepackaged green-juice-drinky-thingy, as well as a sandwich and some fruits before I begin the long drive in so I’m not subsisting on chocolate tortilla chips like last week, which would be difficult in itself because I ate them all last Tuesday.
I really need quick and easy to-go food options that stay good without a refrigerator. Any suggestions?
Filed under broccoli, Celestial Seasonings, Chicken Divan, curry, green monster, See's Candies, sick, work
A Complete 180!
Isn’t it amazing what a few hours of sleep and one GIANT Monsta can do?
Filed under beer, birthday, friends, Griffin, Hawaiian Ahi Poke, Lazy Dog Cafe, Michael Jackson, Sunday
Lost in a Silent Ballet
Today was an awful day. Have you ever had one of those? There was no specific reason, everything was just overwhelming to me. Customers were impatient and mean, certain coworkers were jerks who kept calling everyone “jerks”, and it was a beautiful Saturday and I was at work. Need I say more?
Filed under Bummer, Cider, guidance, lost, night view, Old Rasputin Russian Imperial Stout, omelette, stars
In Love with a Russian… Stout!
FRIDAY! What a wonderful word! I’m sitting on the couch listening to one of my favorite bands, Mumford & Sons and typing while a cool breeze rolls in through the windows and candles flicker on the counter. It is possibly my favorite way to spend the evenings – I’m such a homebody!
I set my alarm for 7am today and woke up to my lovely Owl City tone (a GREAT way to wake up!). I rolled out of bed, brewed a cup of coffee and rudely awakened my roommates with the blender.
Filed under Buddha, Friday, green monster, homebody, Old Rasputin Russian Imperial Stout, pomeranian, sushi
TV Stars and Chocolates
I loves me the hiking!!! If I don’t get on the trail in the morning, I really feel like something is missing from my day without that burst of endorphins. Yes, I realize I complain about the heat and the bugs, but I always end in a much better mood and have a MUCH better day than I would if I’d just sat on my butt and had a third (or fourth) cup of coffee. I begged my roommate to let me have the third cup of coffee: she told me to shut up and get my hiking gear on.
First things first: MONSTER!
Filed under gelato, Godiva, Hannah Montana, Insatiable, Justin Bieber, Meg Cabot, Paciugo, sandwich
An L.A. Kind of Day
Happy Tuesday everyone!!!
To me, Tuesdays say:
Holy crap. Here’s the thing – I don’t live IN Los Angeles. I live a short distance away on the outskirts, but add rush hour traffic into that and it equals HELL. LA freeways and I have had a very strained relationship. We were on good terms when I lived in the center of it – WeHo (West Hollywood) area, but now that I’ve cheated with one of its close relatives, it makes me pay dearly.
Once I finally pass the traffic, I receive a lovely LA welcome.
After class I worked at the talent manager’s office for a few hours. I called some actors that received auditions for tomorrow, sent some e-mails, submit many, many actors for different roles on the many feature films that are casting right now, and got to eat a banana!!!
Filed under Acting, banana, Chocolate, Class, green monster, kitchen sink salad, Los Angeles, SUCKS, Tortilla, traffic, Vitamix
Chocolate Tortillas and Zucchini Mush
I’m currently sitting in a cloud of dust, staring far, far ahead at the wagon that I fell off of this weekend. It was a long, hard fall. Today I started to climb back on, but lost my footing and got some more gravel in my knees.
The day started off well enough.
I repeat what I said in the title. BEST. FATHERS’ DAY. EVER. Honestly, epic! Many, many pictures to follow: Hopefully you can handle the awesomeness…

Filed under Bernadette's, Buddha, Dargan's, Fathers' Day, Indian Food, irish pub, Magners, Potato Skins, Ventura