Hello all! I hope you had an amazing Sunday! I had to work, but it was actually a really good day, overall! It helped to start with this:
Category Archives: beer
Surprise Training!
Filed under beer, green monster, grilled vegetables, Indian-spiced chicken, Paciugo, Stockyard, Subway, work
Street Fairs and Death Traps
Today was a day full of surprises: some good, some not so good. When I got up this morning, I had a single cup of coffee in preparation for the family breakfast at Coogie’s Beach Cafe! Warning signs appeared as we walked in the door: they’d had a full renovation of the restaurant. Sometimes change is good – in this case, why would they try to fix something that’s not broken to begin with??? The interior was very sterile and blocky, not friendly, light and cozy like it used to be. Now let’s get to the food!
We sat down at the table and I ordered my soy mocha.

Filed under beer, camarillo, Extras, iPad, Ricky Gervais, squashed grapes, Street fair
Blog Name Redeemed!
First, we’ll start with first things first. Firstly…
Happy Belated 4th of July!
Ohhhh, dear! I fear I must attack you with another barrage of pictures since I was offline all weekend thanks to the LBM. So, let’s recap:
Filed under beer, Independence Day, Lazy Dog Cafe, little blurry monster, Trader Joe's, work
The Big Reveal
I know you’ve all been on the edge of your seats wondering (okay, maybe not, but let’s just pretend), so prepare yourselves for way too many pictures of the day!
I started the day off with a gigantic GM.
Filed under beach, beer, Carpinteria, Chamomile Cafe, Islands Brewing Company, organic, pad kee mow, pad thai, vegan
A Complete 180!
Isn’t it amazing what a few hours of sleep and one GIANT Monsta can do?
Filed under beer, birthday, friends, Griffin, Hawaiian Ahi Poke, Lazy Dog Cafe, Michael Jackson, Sunday
Friday Recap!
I’m back!!! I finally got to come home instead of driving to the other sad, empty LBM house after work and relax! Aaaah!
For this blog, I’ll be recapping my Friday since I wasn’t able to be home and log on to tell you all about it. The morning started off with a BIG breakfast. My work shift was from 7:45am until 4pm, and I needed all the energy I could muster to fend off the crazy customers.
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Filed under Amber, beer, Bill Murray, date night, edamame, Emma Stone, Franziskaner, Friday, green monster, Lazy Dog Cafe, little blurry monster, Mom, pizzetti, taco salad, Woody Harrelson, work, Zombieland
False Sundays
Ahh, the lovely substitute-Sunday. This Tuesday has been a day of delight for me. I get back on the work wagon tomorrow, so today I lived it up!
First, I’ll start you off with a picture of last night:
Woke up exceptionally early because the shades at the house where I’m staying do not keep the light out AT ALL! I was up at 6:30am, covered my face with pillows until I got a lovely text from my mum at 7am – Thanks mom :)!
I ran downstairs and was all prepped to make myself a GM with the frozen berries I found in the freezer, but when I pulled them out, I saw a big “SUGAR ADDED” stamp on the bag! Who buys stuff with SUGAR ADDED??? Crazy stuff, I tell you. Luckily, they had also bought fresh blackberries, so I threw a handful of those into my GM.
This was AMAZING! Inside of the wrap there was creamy pesto, moist chicken, and garlic-soaked cherry tomatoes that burst in my mouth. I was in heaven!
We looked around Bristol Farms for a few minutes and found some amazing things – the cheese section, the bakery, and the beer section!
I headed back to the dogwatching house for some studying. I’ve been working through my homebrewing book and taking notes – LOVE IT! So excited to get started :)! I’m going to check out the homebrewing supply stores in Woodland Hills and Culver City, and take a class or two before I splurge on all the equipment so I feel confident with the process and not completely overwhelmed. I’m positive I’m going to love it though – it’s in the family (my bro and sister-in-law are really talented brewers).
Dinner was the rest of that flatbread. Sorry – very boring. Delicious, yes, but boring. I had some beer post-dinner. Franziskaner is my current favorite Hefewiezen. Very clove-y and smooth.
Filed under beer, Bristol Farms, chicken, flatbread, Franziskaner, green monster, Humpday, ice cream sandwich, Menchie's, Mission Street, pesto, pita, tomatoes
Filed under beer, Chocolate, Fat Tire, Indian Food, Pearl Izumi, pellet gun, trufflehounds, Ventura
And yes, that is my blender peeking out behind the gi-normous bag! Can’t believe that bag was only $3.99! YAY COSTCO!!!
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Filed under beer, cake, Fat Tire, flax, green monster, love, New Belgium, Pepperidge Farm, roommates, so delicious, soy, spinach, sushi